The Apiary
When you want to experience the buzz of live bees, come and visit the Collingwood Children’s Farm Apiary.
The Apiary aims to educate visitors about bees and beekeeping, as well as providing beekeeping tips and advice to current and prospective beekeepers.
The Apiary is open to all visitors on the second and fourth Sunday of every month from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Learn About the Bees
Do you want to learn more about the importance of honey bees for our food security? Then our Apiary is just the place for you to visit!
To reach the Apiary, head down the hill towards the Farm from the end of St Heliers Street, Abbotsford. Continue walking past the Farm along the public bike path for approximately three minutes. The Apiary will be on your right.
The Apiary is jointly managed by the Collingwood Children’s Farm and the Victorian Apiarists’ Association Melbourne Section.
General visits on the Apiary’s open days are free. No bookings are required, simply pop down to say hello!